
Google at work on desktop Linux – So predictible. I’d love to see the effects of Ubuntu and Google cooperation, but on the other hand, I doubt that Linux is ready for desktop.

Google has to be patient, wait for Gnome3 or KDE4, wait till those pieces matures, it should take us a year. If they won’t be patient, they’ll just get disappointed.


US website created to promote army – – good design, clear layout, games, wizards, modern look&feel, trying to be XHTML 1.0
Polish website created to promote army – Wojsko Polskie – news, archives, ugly layout, ugly design, adverts, guest book,  damn, even a name-day calendar (sic)! Trying to be HTML 4.0…

WP 2.0

As you might have notice already, I updated my wordpress to WP 2.0.

The upgrade process was a pleasure, as always, those guys really know how to make sth easy. One click and it’s ready. Neat 🙂

I also changed skin. When I choosed Blix, it was totally unknown theme, with some licensing problems, abandoned by it’s author. Now, it seems that 1/3 of the blog world uses it. So, it’s time to create a new trend, right? 🙂 Meet Blue Horizon with a few modifications 🙂

It’s nice, quite clean theme, I like the top image (I used it in XPDE), I like colors, I like the space, I don’t like the sidebar, and I’ll try to make it better.

If you don’t like it, give me url to any other nice WordPress theme, and I’ll add it as a choice.

I’m also going to update/write the pages that are listed above, but that’s not anywhere high on my todo list, so enjoy wp2.0 for now and I’m back to hacking bugzilla.

Thanks for any feedback