Google at work on desktop Linux – So predictible. I’d love to see the effects of Ubuntu and Google cooperation, but on the other hand, I doubt that Linux is ready for desktop.
Google has to be patient, wait for Gnome3 or KDE4, wait till those pieces matures, it should take us a year. If they won’t be patient, they’ll just get disappointed.
Despite what you said about Google needing to be patient with KDE/Gnome, if anyone is going to make Linux the ‘next windows’, it’s Google.
Ale Google ma potencjał. Ma też pieniądze. Obie rzeczy odpowiednio wykorzystane przyniosą na pewno wiele dobrego w kwestii migracji linuksa na desktopy.
I wonder if Google is going to spy goo-buntu users, especially in China.
Well GNOME 3 is more a concept than a point on roadmap. Year from now there will be no GNOME 3.0, but GNOME 2.18 beeing two step closer to 3.0 ideas. It’s evolution. And you can’t wait for evolution 🙂
Hopefully google is working on either GNome3 and/or KDE4.