Facebox sux – do not EVER try it

No, I’m not going to try to calm down and simply “report” the “issue” to the facebox authors. I’m going to scream loud about how freakin bastards they are and how much do I hate what they just did to me.

So, the story is short, I received an invitation to facebox from a few of my colleagues and ignored it, but since I’m deeply interested in social networks, when I received another invitation from a friend of mine whom I didn’t see for long time, I decided to try it. Out of curiosity and to get a better feeling what’s up in the social net.

During the account configuration, there are 5 steps, of which step 3 is the most crucial, destructive and horrible.

So in step 3, you’re asked to give your Gmail address and password so that Facebox can reconnect you with your friends.
Natural reaction of my mind (and probably tens of other users) is that they want to cross check who of my Gmail contact is in Facebox already and create some kind of connection between me and those people. Easy. I like the idea. I also expect that Facebox will simply show a list of relations and allow me to choose which of those I want to connect with.

So, naive being as I am, I gave my pass (the procedure step is followed by the assurance that Facebox will use it ethically) and… few moments later I started receiving invitation to Facebox from Zbigniew Braniecki on all maillist I’m subscribed to, all my other emails I had in my Gmail book etc. At the same time, I’m sure that tons of my friends, co-workers and people on various mailing lists started receiving polish spam messages from ME, that invites them to Facebox.

How rude, how stupid, how countr-netiquette can they be more? It’s so cruel. I feel so stupid now, and I want to say a huge SORRY to all my contacts who just have been spammed by this facebox :/

I’m not sure if there’s any effective way to punish them for this, but I’d like to scream it loud – DO NOT TRY FACEBOX! – it’s a perfect example of the company I’d like to get rid from the market. It’s not a stupidity. It’s vandalism.

If you know the way to react in more serious ways – publishing info about how they act to bigger audience, or going with more formal steps to make them stop doing this – help me. I have energy to stop them.

P.S. Yes, if you received the same from Datrio or Honey, it’s still a SPAM!!!

P.P.S. I received a response from Facebox team to my email “it’s a bug and we’re working on a fix. We hope you’ll enjoy staying with us and promoting to your friends” – over my dead body…

P.P.P.S Honey and Michulk also blogged about their cases (very similar to mine)

21 thoughts on “Facebox sux – do not EVER try it”

  1. Heh, dobrze że przeczytałem najpierw bloga zanim się zarejestrowałem. Jakoś dziwne wydało mi się, że osobiście zapraszasz zamiast napisać o tym tutaj ;]
    To co? Klikamy “Report spam” w GMailu?

  2. Kurcze, ja niestety nie przeczytałem bloga przed kliknięciem i w ten sposób zaspamowałem ładnych XXXX osób. Aaghrrr!

  3. Pingback: Azrael's bzdetlog
  4. Huh. This is insane. You’re forgiven btw. I received this on two lists and three of my email addresses, and assumed it must have been some kind of scam with your address book. It is, indeed, quite an unethical thing to use your email address with. Geez.

  5. Horrible… Take their stroopwafels away as soon as possible, hack their website, and change this bug yourself! But well, you couldn’t know 🙂 You’re not that long around on the web 😉

  6. Argh! Właśnie się w tym g.. zarejestrowałem. Na szczęście nie mam konta w gmailu i… nie importowałem żadnych kontaktów 🙂 Więc nikogo (mam nadzieję) nie zaspamowałem…

    Pytanie jeszcze brzmi jak się stamtąd wypisać :/

  7. Pingback: Piotr Konieczny
  8. you? gandalf did something THAT stupid and naive to give some random website your password to mail?!
    I’ve double-checked if I’m reading the right blog. I feel kind of bad when I have the same password to few websites but giving access to mail account? what next? bank online account access? 😛
    I’m really REALLY suprized that so smart guy did something that stupid..

  9. hey, people. To clarify it: I FEEL REALLY BAD ABOUT IT. I want to apologize all of you for that! I got my lesson, I hope I’ll never do anything like this :/

  10. Przynajmniej adres listu spamowego był noreplay i w odruchu w końcu napisałem z bluzgami Gandalfowi bo dostałem prywatnie i linuksiarskimi kanałami (pozdrowienia po SFI) 😛

  11. A ja nie dostałem. Nic. Nawet jednego parszywego zaproszenia. 🙁 Czy to znaczy, że nie istnieję? Buuu… 😉

    Nie będę Cię już dobijał. Mogę się tylko domyślać jak się czujesz. Mimo wszystko ciężko mi uwierzyć w to, że ludzie nie są odporni na tego typu zagrywki.

  12. gizmoproject robi cos podobnego po zapytaniu czy chcesz zaprosic kogos jeszcze. Mi tak po calym addressbooku w lapie przejechal. mialem o tyle nie fajnie ze w AB mam sporo kontaktow dodany bez np. nr telefonu, dla latwiejszego wyszukiwania. Mam nadzieje ze to chwilowa tendencja bo bedzie kolejna fala spamu zaraz :-/

  13. to już chyba prawdziwa epidemia: ledwo czytam newsa na 7thguardzie, a w skrzynce już 2 zaproszenia do tego faceboxa leżą 🙁

  14. You’re not alone. And I wrote to the abuse address they’re giving – but received no reply (surprise, surprise!). I also wrote them warm comment on the account deletion screen. They have very interesting way of growing…

    And to the people saying it’s simply stupid to give password to your e-mail to other service – if the rules are ok, it’s great. I used this functionality on LinkedIn, and it worked perfectly (showed a list, asked what people would I like send invites to, etc. – so it’s possible to do it right).

  15. Nie spodziewałem się, że tacy hakerzy mogą być tak naiwni. Jakby na stronie było napisane, że w celu weryfikacji pełnoletniości trzeba podać numer karty kredytowej i PIN, to też byście podali?
    No ale rozumiem. Też nie do końca wyrosłem z dziecięcej ufności w prawdomówność wszystkich wokół.

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