Web games

Thanks to my girlfriend I started playing in Dark Throne game. It’s quite nice and joyfull. The only pain is that there is a “recruiter” tool which works like a webring. You have to click 350 times to give 350 random people a citizen, and in return you have “credits” so when others will click, you will get a citizen.
People were cheating with some apps that click on some button on behalf of you. But tab with this game had to be on screen, so you’re frozen.
Firefox is amazing once more. I spent half an hour to build extension which clicks on a given button number of times with given interval. Now it takes me a second to run it, and one tab in background where it works.

I don’t know if there are other places where MultiClick extension would be usefull – if so, please tell me! I will cleanup it’s code and publish then.